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1) Choose the right shoes
Important! Make sure you choose the right type of shoes for the Camino de Santiago. A pair that fits only for you and you break it in LONG in advance. Check out our tips on the type of shoes to choose.
2) Choose the right socks
The type of socks you use can be a major cause of blisters. Keep your feet dry and change often to keep socks clean. Cool Max connections are preferred. Another tip is to use a thin non-pleated non-woven fabric stocking (preferably nylon stocking) under the main sock, preferably in wool or blended material.
3) Important in hydration
It's not enough just to have clean socks and choose the right shoes. Be sure to moisten your feet carefully and often.
4) Take care of your feet after every walking day
Wash and clean your feet. Cool them with ice or stand in a bathtub of ice cold water for a few minutes. Nice recovery!
5) Try using Vaseline/Cream before each leg
Lubricating the feet with petroleum jelly or foot cream can prevent the skin from touching the sock or shoes.
6) Make a small foot care kit
What you need to bring?
- Disinfectants
- Bandages for injuries or similar.
- Cream to moisturize your feet
- Salts for wounds
- Vaseline to put on your feet before putting on the socks
- Plasters type COMPEED or similar. The patch acts as a second layer of skin, protects against bacteria, is discreet and waterproof.
7) Ventilate your feet during the walk
When you take a break, air your feet for a while and check that they stay dry.
If abrasions and blisters appear
Read our guide to taking care of blisters that can develop during the hike.