Create your own journey; Experience the best of Northern Spain at your own pace
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SPAIN IS MORE 2010, S.L. CIF: B24635476 Datos de inscripción: Registro Mercantil de la ciudad de LEON al tomo 1231 , libro 0, folio 148, sección 8, hoja LE 21477, inscripción 1, Propietaria de la marca SPAIN IS MORE 2010, S.L, con el CIF: B24635476 Email adress: info@spainismore.com Adress: C/ ANCHA Nº23 LEON. (C.P.24003) León
Spain is More 2010, S.L. is in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation of 2018. We aim to take a responsible approach to all areas of our business. In order to process your booking, we need to collect certain personal details from you on the online booking form, or other information forms, such as the names and addresses of party members, credit/debit card or other payment details and special requirements such as those relating to any disability or medical condition which may affect the chosen holiday arrangements. We may, from time to time, need to ask you for more personal information. We may need to pass on your personal details to supplier companies and organisations that we work with (for example your hotel or other trip service providers) on a need-to-know basis so that your holiday can be catered for as required.
Apart from the exceptions outlined above, we will keep all the personal details that you give us in connection with your holiday absolutely confidential and secure. We do not sell or pass on for marketing purposes any information you give to us. We may, from time to time, contact you with information about Spain is More 2010,S.L., however, you will be asked to opt-in to receive such communications. If you do not wish to receive any such information, please inform us or click on the Unsubscribe button at the end of our email newsletters. Spain is More 2010, S.L and the internet service providers that host our sites, strive to maintain appropriate security measures to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of information that we have collected from you to make your holiday booking.
When you purchase a holiday online you do so through a secure server. The use of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology means that all personal information – such as your credit card number – will be encrypted as it travels from your computer to the Company Booking Engine. When received, the information is decrypted and processed in the same way as a normal credit card transaction by telephone.
Any questions you have about our Privacy Policy, or the information contained herein can be directed to info@spainismore.com
The use of the page gives access to the data of the user and implies the acceptance of the conditions of the legal notice, the privacy policy and the conditions of use. If the user is not satisfied, he will refrain from using the page. The user is obliged and agrees to use the page and its content in compliance with current legislation, legal notice and any other notice on this page such as standards of coexistence, moral and good habits generally accepted. The user is not allowed to pass on the content of the site, to distribute it or to make it available to third parties, such as information, texts, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and / or image files, photographs, recordings, software, logos, brands, icons, technology, photographs, software, links, graphic design and source codes or any other material to which he had access as a user of the page.
All brands, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind appearing on the website are the property of SPAIN IS MORE 2010, S.L. or, as the case may be, third parties who have authorised their use, without the use or access to the portal and / or the content to the user rights to said trademarks, trade names and / or distinctive signs and without it being understood as transferred to the user, none of the exploitation rights that exist or may exist on the content. And it is not understood as transferred or the use of it is not in any case authorised for the users of the website unless these rights are obtained in writing from the rightful owner.