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Weather on the Camino

Camino forecasts and weather statistics for the largest Camino-cities

On this page you will find information about Camino weather right now on the Camino de Santiago and the historic weather along the different Camino routes in different months of the year. Hopefully this will help you to find your ideal time to walk or bike the Camino. This page can ideally be combined with other articles such as:


'Pilgrimage statistics for the camino' - read about how many pilgrims arrive in Santiago througout the year, where they come from and how long they have been walking.


'Which camino to choose' the big questions, which one should i choose and why?


'Best time to walk or Bike the Camino', when is the best time to walk or bike the Camino de Santiago.


At the top you will find present weather forecasts, on the main cities along the Camino. Below you will find historical weather statistics for the same cities along Camino Frances, Camino del Norte, Camino Primitivo and Camino Portugues. Find weather statistics on monthly weather on the camino: 

How is the weather on the Camino in the months of April, May, June, July, August and September?

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Click here and find your own pilgrimmage on the Camino

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► Current weather on Camino Francés: Pamplona, Burgos, León, Santiago

► Current weather on Camino del Norte: Bilbao, Gijón, Ribadeo

► Current weather on Camino Primitivo: Oviedo, Lugo

► Current weather on Camino Portugues: Porto

Camino Weather statistics:

Historical weather statistics from selected major cities along the various caminos. Did you know, for example, that Pamplona has the highest average temperature of all (20.9 degrees in August) and that Santiago de Compostela is the rainiest place in the month of May?

Pamplona, Camino Francés Weather

Average Temperature & Precipitation

  Avarage Warmest Coldest Rainfall mm
January 5.0°C 8.9°C 1.2°C 9
February 6.5°C 11.1°C 1.9°C 9
March 8.6°C 14.0°C 3.3°C 8
April 10.2°C 15.5°C 4.9°C 10
May 14.0°C 19.8°C 8.2°C 10
June 17.5°C 23.9°C 11.2°C 6
July 20.7°C 27.6°C 13.7°C 5
August 20.9°C 27.8°C 14.0°C 5
September 18.0°C 24.4°C 11.7°C 6
October 13.6°C 18.7°C 8.4°C 8
November 8.6°C 12.8°C 4.3°C 9
December 6.0°C 9.7°C 2.4°C 10

Burgos, Camino Francés Weather

Average Temperature & Precipitation

  Avarage Warmest Coldest Rainfall mm
January 2.7°C 6.7°C -1.2°C 8
February 4.1°C 8.9°C -0.6°C 8
March 6.3°C 12.0°C 0.6°C 6
April 7.8°C 13.3°C 2.2°C 9
May 11.4°C 17.2°C 5.6°C 10
June 15.2°C 22.0°C 8.4°C 6
July 18.7°C 26.4°C 11.0°C 4
August 18.9°C 26.7°C 11.1°C 4
September 15.7°C 22.9°C 8.5°C 5
October 10.9°C 16.5°C 5.3°C 8
November 6.2°C 10.7°C 1.6°C 8
December 3.9°C 7.6°C 0.3°C 9

Leon, Camino Frances Weather

Average Temperature & Precipitation

  Avarage Warmest Coldest Rainfall mm
January 3.1°C 7.0°C -0.8°C 8
February 4.9°C 9.5°C 0.3°C 7
March 7.1°C 12.8°C 1.5°C 6
April 8.6°C 14.3°C 2.9°C 8
May 12.1°C 18.0°C 6.2°C 9
June 16.4°C 23.2°C 9.5°C 6
July 19.6°C 27.2°C 12.0°C 4
August 19.3°C 26.8°C 12.0°C 3
September 16.4°C 22.9°C 9.9°C 4
October 11.4°C 16.4°C 6.4°C 8
November 7.0°C 11.2°C 2.7°C 7
December 4.3°C 8.0°C 0.6°C 9

Santiago de Compostela Weather

Average Temperature & Precipitation

  Avarage Warmest Coldest Rainfall mm
January 7.4°C 11.1°C 3.7°C 16
February 8.2°C 12.1°C 4.2°C 14
March 9.5°C 14.2°C 4.8°C 13
April 10.6°C 15.4°C 5.8°C 14
May 12.9°C 17.7°C 8.1°C 14
June 16.0°C 21.3°C 10.7°C 8
July 18.5°C 24.1°C 12.8°C 5
August 18.6°C 24.3°C 12.9°C 5
September 17.0°C 22.3°C 11.7°C 9
October 13.4°C 17.7°C 9.1°C 13
November 10.2°C 13.9°C 6.4°C 14
December 8.4°C 11.8°C 5.0°C 16

Bilbao, Camino del Norte Weather

Average Temperature & Precipitation

  Avarage Warmest Coldest Rainfall mm
January 9.0°C 13.2°C 4.7°C 13
February 9.8°C 14.5°C 5.1°C 11
March 10.8°C 15.9°C 5.7°C 11
April 11.9°C 16.8°C 7.1°C 13
May 15.1°C 20.1°C 10.1°C 12
June 17.6°C 22.6°C 12.6°C 8
July 20.0°C 25.2°C 14.8°C 7
August 20.3°C 25.5°C 15.2°C 8
September 18.8°C 24.4°C 13.2°C 9
October 15.8°C 20.8°C 10.8°C 11
November 12.0°C 16.4°C 7.6°C 12
December 10.0°C 14.0°C 6.0°C 12

Gijon, Camino del Norte Weather

Average Temperature & Precipitation

  Avarage Warmest Coldest Rainfall mm
January 8.9°C 13.1°C 4.7°C 12
February 9.6°C 13.8°C 5.4°C 11
March 10.7°C 14.9°C 6.6°C 10
April 11.8°C 15.6°C 8.1°C 12
May 14.3°C 17.8°C 10.9°C 11
June 16.9°C 20.2°C 13.6°C 7
July 19.2°C 22.4°C 16.0°C 6
August 19.7°C 23.2°C 16.2°C 7
September 17.9°C 21.8°C 14.1°C 8
October 15.0°C 19.0°C 11.0°C 11
November 11.6°C 15.6°C 7.6°C 12
December 9.9°C 14.0°C 5.8°C 12

Ribadeo, Camino del Norte Weather

Average Temperature & Precipitation

  Avarage Warmest Coldest Rainfall mm
January 5.8°C 10.1°C 1.5°C 14
February 6.9°C 11.7°C 2.2°C 13
March 8.4°C 14.0°C 2.7°C 12
April 9.6°C 14.8°C 4.4°C 13
May 12.3°C 17.8°C 6.8°C 13
June 15.2°C 20.8°C 9.5°C 7
July 17.7°C 23.6°C 11.9°C 5
August 18.0°C 24.1°C 11.8°C 5
September 16.1°C 22.3°C 10.0°C 8
October 12.4°C 17.7°C 7.2°C 13
November 8.8°C 13.3°C 4.3°C 14
December 6.9°C 10.8°C 3.0°C 14

Oviedo, Camino Primitivo Weather

Average Temperature & Precipitation

  Avarage Warmest Coldest Rainfall mm
January 8.0°C 11.7°C 4.2°C 10
February 8.8°C 12.8°C 4.8°C 11
March 10.0°C 14.4°C 5.6°C 11
April 10.6°C 14.9°C 6.3°C 13
May 13.3°C 17.6°C 9.1°C 12
June 16.1°C 20.3°C 11.9°C 8
July 18.3°C 22.4°C 14.1°C 8
August 18.7°C 22.8°C 14.5°C 8
September 17.3°C 21.7°C 12.9°C 8
October 14.0°C 18.1°C 10.0°C 11
November 10.8°C 14.6°C 7.1°C 11
December 9.0°C 12.5°C 5.5°C 11

Lugo, Camino Primitivo Weather

Average Temperature & Precipitation

  Avarage Warmest Coldest Rainfall mm
January 5.8°C 10.1°C 1.5°C 14
February 6.9°C 11.7°C 2.2°C 13
March 8.4°C 14.0°C 2.7°C 12
April 9.6°C 14.8°C 4.4°C 13
May 12.3°C 17.8°C 6.8°C 13
June 15.2°C 20.8°C 9.5°C 7
July 17.7°C 23.6°C 11.9°C 5
August 18.0°C 24.1°C 11.8°C 5
September 16.1°C 22.3°C 10.0°C 8
October 12.4°C 17.7°C 7.2°C 13
November 8.8°C 13.3°C 4.3°C 14
December 6.9°C 10.8°C 3.0°C 14

Porto, Camino Portugues Weather

Average Temperature & Precipitation

  Avarage Warmest Coldest Rainfall mm
January 9.3°C 13.5°C 5.1°C 14
February 10.1°C 14.3°C 5.9°C 13
March 11.5°C 16.2°C 6.8°C 11
April 12.9°C 17.5°C 8.3°C 10
May 15.1°C 19.6°C 10.6°C 9
June 18.1°C 22.7°C 13.5°C 6
July 19.9°C 24.7°C 15.0°C 2
August 19.8°C 25.0°C 14.6°C 3
September 19.0°C 24.0°C 13.9°C 6
October 16.2°C 20.9°C 11.4°C 10
November 12.3°C 16.7°C 7.9°C 12
December 9.9°C 13.9°C 5.9°C 12

Daily Camino Weather forecasts and camino weather statistics are provided by